Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Trips to the canyons.

I know that i said I would be on here everyday blogging about at least my scriptures, well i set unreal expectations for myself. Life is so busy I feel like all i do is keep running around in circles. i have not slept at my house in 6 days that is how crazy life has been but i am loving it and it is expected when the summer months start.

Life has been extremely hard these last couple weeks i have been missing my dad so much, I feel so lost and alone without him, I feel like so many things are happening in my life and time is passing so quickly and he is not here for me to share all the new exciting things with and all the lessons that are being learned.

A couple weeks as many of you know I was falling for someone really hard and that did not work out he turned out to be a damn Jerk!!! but hey what can i do it is all about learning and taking a lesson from it. I learned really quickly who my friends are, every single one of them stepped in and tried to do everything they could to make me smile! Kristy let me sleep on her couch for 2 nights cause even though I had a nice comfy bed at home i could not bring myself to going and laying in it and think about all the times that i was sitting there and talking to Cole. She let me cry on her shoulder and scream when I needed to. She is absolutely amazing. She is the definition of a best friend. Kristen and Jenny were there when Cole decided not to show up, they were there to make me laugh and smile. Misti was a phone call away and man did she let me vent and cry and she even sent him a not so nice message. Without these girls I really can say that i dont know what i would do. There are times that i feel so lost and alone in this world and they are right there to wrap their arms around me and tell me they love me and that everything will be ok. Without them I dont know what I would do. Through this all though I really started missing my dad, he was always there to be just that one phone call away he would listen, tell me he loved me, that i deserved better then him anyway, and how beautiful i was and that it would be ok. Never did he have one negative thing to say he was my protector and my guardian and man do i miss him! He is all i think about it feels like!

I took this picture the Night I was supposed to meet up with Cole and he didnt show.

Kristy and I spent a lot of time in the Canyon last week, my quiet place, and the place that just gave me time to be me. We made a trip to cascade springs, and can i say beautiful. Kristy and I have alot of good memories there, last time we were there was the summer of 2008, the twins and ellis were so little! Scarlette was still in the hospital and life was crazy but amazing. So when we were up there again we created more memories and smiled alot. After cascade springs we decided to go to Tibble Fork Reservior, that is until i realized where we were at, and had a great idea to keep driving to the lake that i was sure was up higher. i know at first Kristy thought I was crazy when she saw the dirt road and then when it seemed like it was going to continue forever. I thought she was going to reach over and strangle me, that is until she saw the AMAZING Lake. Silver Lake Flats. Then she was in love with everything. The view, the area, and all of us. We decided to get out and let the kids get in the water since they had been so good at Cascade Springs. That was fun, I was a chicken cause the water was cold and i just didnt think that i could do it. It was amazing watching how much Scarlette and Kyndall took to the water, Kayden and Ellis were like yeah right. We had a blast. It was a great day. We got home that night and decided that Friday we would go back up to the lake and have a picnic with the kids and that we did.... The picnic was good, scarlette was cranky and did not want to be there but the other kids loved it. After we got done eating we headed back up the mountain to the lake, praying that Kristy's car would not over heat which it didnt but it got darn close, I thought she was going to have a heart attach she was so worried. We finally go to the lake and decided to park on the side of the damn where there were not really any people. We walked down to the water and Scarlette and Kyndall did not hesitate to get in. Then i got a great idea, I was going to get in....... thats right you guessed it...... in all my cloths. I slowly started to walk in and realized just how cold the lake was and said screw it i cant slowly get in so i just dove in and I thought Kristy was going to die. Slowly the kids started getting in and slowly I started to warm up! :) I had an amazing time with Kristy and the kids at the lake and with them just in general. Without that family I strongly believe that my life would not be as complete as it is. Also during all our adventures i had may camera in had and of course was taking many pictures so that is what these all are.

School is going great this semester I am pulling a A- average in all my classes thank goodness, I finished one class a month early and it feels great to finally be doing it right and getting it done with!

Well I think was the longest blog around. Just wanted to let everyone now what was going on! Love you all

i will put pics up of all the adventures.

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