Friday, March 18, 2011

Long time no post!!!!


Some old pictures of my dad during the HEALTHY days!!!
Dad I really really really effing miss you!!!!

He was always doing everything in his power to embarrase her!!! I LOVE it

Dad and Uncle Chris!!! FUNNY

Got to love the Long hair!!!! Woot Woot

Ok so really it has been since Halloween that I posted man I suck!!! Life has been crazy, amazing, and alot of lessons have been learned. I am now seeing that I really suck at this blogging thing. Not a ton has happened just a couple of slaps in the face and some GREAT lessons learned!!!

My first Thanksgiving without my dad came and went and no one blinked an eye it felt like and I really really missed him. His birthday followed shortly after and that was a killer! that was the last time we had pictures really taken as a family the year before and man I really really missed him. Christmas was right around the corner and this year to me it did not mean what it did in years before. Christmas was never about the gifts in our family it was really about the family and being close and together. Well this year I did not have my best friend he was gone and not only that my little brother was to hurt with it all that I did not see him on that day either. Christmas became a holiday of myself and the time I had with myself. I really really really missed my dad on this day. I missed hearing him yell across the house " HO HO HO Merry Christmas" I miss seeing the joy on his face during this time. I really just miss my best friend.

3 days before Christmas I got to really look at my life and the value it was to me. I spent 2 days in the Salt Lake County Jail for traffic tickets that i neglected to take care of as I should have and man let me tell you those were the worst 2 days ever I never want to go back there! I thought for sure I was spending my first Christmas without my dad locked in a jail cell for stupid traffic tickets. From this point my life changed, I lost my job which at the time was so unbelievably frustrating I wanted to punch someone. Really firing me (their nanny) over traffic tickets... REALLY???? in no way did it affect how I was as the nanny or the love that I had for their son. Needless to say I was PISSED beyond belief. Now i look at it and am so thankful for it, really it was not me who lost out, i only learned some amazing lessons from it! I have been able to move on and meet some AMAZING people since then and really move my life forward. i love them dearly and am so thankful for all they did for me during that time! I learned so much about me and what I want to be each day I spent in their home.

My life has done a pretty big 180 over the last couple months! I have decided to start attending church again and for the first time in a long time I am starting to feel and see that I am finding me again. I have gone as far as meeting with the bishop and telling him everything!!! WOW something I said I would never ever do. Let me tell you the difference it makes. I feel closer to my heavenly father now then I have ever in my life time! I meet with the bishop this Sunday to talk more about my patriatricle blessing recommend! I love love love this part of my life and am so thankful for all the positive and supportive people that I have had surrounding me on this new path that I am taking! I have found myself living in Saratoga Springs again and LOVING every second of it! I am living with some very dear friends of mine The Skidmore family. The love and support that they have shown me has been life changing and I love them just as i love my family! They are amazing and without them I honestly dont know where I would be today!!!

Well this is all i can think of for this post! So i am out for the night!!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see and hear you are doing better :)You really do deserve to be as happy as humanly possible! Miss seeing your face woman!
