Tuesday, October 19, 2010

It went from me and you to just me!!!

Well as all of you know, I was in a relationship back in July and was head over heels for this boy, well here we are on the 19th of October and I have been single for over a month now and most would say are you ok? Is there anything I can do? and really all i can say to everyone is that this is so right for me! Joe came into my life when I needed him most, I loved him in a way I have never loved anyone and he taught me things about myself and about life that I never would have learned if he would not have been in my life. I will not go into details as to why Joe and I are no longer together on my blog if anyone wants to know that is a private matter that we can discuss!!! Joe is an amazing person and if it were a different time in both of our lives I believe that it could work but Joe has alot of growing up to do before I can see it working with us. He will always be someone that holds a very special place in my heart and I want nothing but the best for him! I hope he enjoys his time in the Marines and learns what he needs to and gets out of it what he needs to get out of it! I love you Joe, and wish u the best! I now get the oppertunity to walk in this life by myself for a while and I am so thankful for that oppertunity!!!

Through this all my friends were an amazing support system and I love you all so much. I am so thankful for all you do and really without u in life i dont know where I would be!

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