Sunday, July 25, 2010

Pictures of Joe and I While he is here

Life is Amazing

I know it has been forever since I blogged, what can I say I am a slacker.... Ok really that is not it at all. Life has been super busy I don't know whether to go left or right up or down. I dont even know where to start with life the last couple weeks.

I guess we will start with the most significant part of life, I met the most amazing man in the world, he makes me smile, cry, laugh, and look forward to waking up everyday. Everyone is going to ask how we met, well...... Eharmony. I signed up for that account as a joke and when i got it I told my friends I am only getting this to prove that this site is a fluke. Well........ look where that got me, we are so perfect for each other it is sick, even as i sit here and write this I have butterflies in my stomach. It is an amazing feeling being with someone who makes you want to get up in the morning, who is there to wipe your tears when you cry and who completes you like you have never been completed before.... my new favorite quote that i now believe is, " We were given: Two hands to hold. To legs to walk. Two eyes to see. Two ears to listen. But why only one heart? Because the other was given to someone else. For us to find." He is my other heart. Joe is younger then I am which anyone that knows me knows that is totally not my style, I date the boys that are 27 or 28 so dating someone who is 4 months younger then me (which i know all of you are going that is not that big of a deal.) is a little different for me. But in the words of a wise friend of mine i was not having the best luck with guys older then me so maybe it was time to make a change, and i tell you what it was the best change of my life. Joe is in the Marines and is here only for a short time, I am dreading the second he has to leave, it scares me to think i am going to be without him, but you know what they say distance makes the heart grow fonder. We will get through it and come out on top in the end.

While Joe has been here we have had a chance to do some really fun things my favorite so far playing in the fountain at the gateway... I never felt like such a kid in my life. I know all the parents there with their little kids were like omg what are they doing. Hey it was alot of fun. Joe has also been a tropper in meeting almost all my family and friends. The family loves him and so do the best friends which is extremely important to me. He is absolutely amazing with my best friends kids and i love watching him with them. I love him so much, he is for sure the other part of my heart walking outside my body. I can't wait to start a life with him....

Well that is all for now til i think of something else i can ramble on about. I will post pictures below....

Thursday, July 1, 2010

4 months today

Last Night I had a crazy dream
Wish was granted just for me,
It could be for anything
I didn't ask for money, or a mansion in Malibu
I simply wished for one more day with you

One more day, One more time
One more sunset maybe I'd be satisfied
But then again; I know what it would do
Leave me wishing still, for one more day with you

[Oh one more day]

First thing I'd do is pray for time to crawl
I'd unplug the telephone, and keep the TV off
I'd hold you every second, say a million I Love You's
Thats what I'd do, with one more day with you

One more day, One more time
One more sunset maybe I'd be satisfied
But then again; I know what it would do
Leave me wishing still, for one more day with you

One more day, One more time
One more sunset maybe I'd be satisfied
But then again; I know what it would do
Leave me wishing still, for one more day....
Leave me wishing still, for one more day....
Leave me wishing still, for one more day....
With you

Today has been 4 months since my dad passed away and i miss him more then i ever thought i could, these lyrics tell you everything that i am feeling. I would give anything to be with him again. I miss him so bad! I posted some pics of him, one of him healthy and some of him the last couple weeks of his life! It is so crazy to see the big change! I look at the graduation picture of me and my mom and him, and remember how happy and proud of me he was that day. I had done something he wanted so bad to see me do. i remember his embrace and words or wisdome! Daddy I miss you so much I hope you are playing it safe up there in heaven. You are all i think about and my heart is broken without u here! my life is so empty and i dont even want to get up sometimes. I love you dad so much please never forget me i need you!